When Hitler's hordes poured into defenseless Poland on September 1, 1939 a young American called Blackhawk by his companions was a volunteer flyer in the Polish Air Force. His side-kick in the same squadron was a brilliant young student from the University of Warsaw named Stanislaus. The small but valiant Polish army was soon defeated and Blackhawk attempted an escape to Russia. Much to his surprise he found the Reds were moving into eastern Poland as Blackhawk sought refuge in England.
     While attempting to join the R.A.F. Blackhawk met Chuck, another American, who was also volunteering his services. Soon they were joined by Hendrikson who had recently escaped from a Nazi concentration camp, Olaf who although a Swede had fought for Finland during the first Red invasion and Andre, the valiant Frenchman. One evening they were seated in their quarters outside of London when in stepped Stanislaus. Blackhawk leaped to his feet to greet hisold comrade in arms and joyfully introduced him to Chuck, Andre, Olaf and Hendrikson.
     Month after month the six flyers waited to enlist in the R.A.F. Because none of them were British subjects they were held up by miles of red tape. Finally, Blackhawk said, "Fellows, we have waited for six months and don't seem to be any closer to getting into the R.A.F. than we did when we all arrived in England. I say let's strike out on our own."
     Chuck, Andre, Olaf, Hendrikson and Stanislaus enthusiastically voiced their approval. And then Chuck shouted, "Let's take our name form our leader and be known as the BLACKHAWKS."
      The six valiant warriors pooled their resources and bought six planes in a neutral country. Here they were joined by Chop Chop who had fled from China when the Japanese overpowered the Nationalist army. At first Chop Chop only acted as the cook but he finally prevailed on Blackhawk to permit him to ride in his plane on dangerous missions. Today Chop Chop is a first class pilot and a full member of the Blackhawk team.
     Originally the Blackhawk base of operations was a small island in the Atlantic Ocean. After fighting long and hard to help bring about the defeat of Hitler, the Blackhawks set up their base in the Pacific to help in the battle against the Japs. This is the present Blackhawk Island which has be their headquarters and home for over six years.
     At the end of the Japanese war the Blackhawks' thoughts were on their homelands. However, Blackhawk urged them to stay as a fighting team saying "Freedom for many people is a long way off. As long as there are men who wish to be tyrants our job isn't finished. If we have helped bring peace and freedom to the world we can't quit when out task is only half done. Let's finish our job."
     The rest of the gang immediately saw the wisdom of his words and decided they would continue fighting tyranny and oppression wherever it might be found. How well they have done this all you followers of the adventures of the Blackhawks are well aware.

Thanks to Roger Hill for providing the information used to create this reproduction.

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All characters, pictures, and related indicia on these pages are the property of DC Comics. All text is ©1998-2001 Dan Thompson, except where otherwise noted. This homepage is not intended to infringe on the copyright of DC Comics to its characters, but was created out of gratitude to all the wonderful writers, artists, and editors who created the Blackhawks.